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Import Your Team

Once teams are posted to the website, managers will be able to import their teams directly into GameChanger.


1) Sign into GameChanger with the same email address you use with Sports Connect
2) Tap Create Team or the "+" sign to create a new team
3) Choose the option to Import SportsConnect 
4) If you haven't already confirmed your email address, click Open Email App which will direct you to your email. Select Confirm Email      Address, and you'll be redirected back to the GameChanger app.
5) Select the team(s) to import. Make sure the team(s) you want to import have a check next to them, and then tap import in the upper      corner of the screen. You will see the status of teams importing at the bottom of the screen. 

How To: GameChanger: Importing Your Team From Sports Connect

Please be sure that your email on our site and your email in GameChanger are the same!

Joining Our League

Once your team is imported you may receive an invite to join our league.

Accepting the Invite as a Coach/Staff

1) Tap the Bell icon to access your Team Alerts
2) Click Accept

Your division VP can also send you a link via email to join.


Scorekeeping in GameChanger is quick and easy!

How To: GameChanger: Practice Scorekeeping


Once game schedules are added to the site, it will automatically update in your GameChanger app. This includes the addition of games, cancellations, and any changes made to the game details.

Note: Schedule changes made in GameChanger will not sync back to our website

You also have the option to manually re-import your team's schedule from Sports Connect through the following steps:

1) Select your team
2) Select the gear icon to go into Team Settings
3) Select Schedule Sync
4) Select Re-Import Schedule

How to schedule a practice or event:


1) Go to your team's Schedule tab
2) Tap the + Add Event button (iOS) or the + in the bottom right corner (Android)
3) Enter game details like date, time, and location
4) Tap Save

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